
I am offering my services as a one stop internet shop for people who need a website but don’t want to care about how they work.

I will create and host a website for you that is:
– Fast Loading
– Functional
– Easy to update BY YOU

I offer:
– Low Cost Hosting
– At Cost Services (such as Domain Name Purchasing)
– Included email set up

I will train you to whatever extent you want! I can either take care of your website for you for a small monthly or hourly fee. Or I can train you to manage it yourself so you never have to talk to me again!

I am the product of multiple small design and internet firms. I followed that up with a master’s degree in Elementary Education. Let me be your Internet Interface! I can explain everything you need to know in as technical or non-technical a manner as you’d like. For example, have you ever wondered how an email is delivered? How websites work, anyway? Do you want to know? Great, I can tell you. Do you not want to know but still use email and websites? Fantastic, I can do that too!